• Should I speak with a Sleep Consultant? Should I speak with a Sleep Consultant?

    12 Jan , 2023
    Sleep training is basically the process of teaching your baby to sleep comfortably through the night on their own. It also involves teaching them to self-soothe if they wake in the middle of the night. Research has shown that this results in healthier sleep for both baby, and parents. (Did we just hear a sigh of relief?)  Sleep training is basically the process of teaching your baby to sleep comfortably through the night on their own. It also involves teaching them to self-soothe if they wake in the middle of the night. Research has shown that this results in healthier sleep for both baby, and parents. (Did we just hear a sigh of relief?) 


  • What I wish I knew before getting pregnant... What I wish I knew before getting pregnant...

    13 Jun , 2022

    Hindsight is 20/20, isn't that what they say? 10 things I wish I had known before I had a baby Let me preface this with a disclaimer: this is just one experience. Moms everywhere experience pregnancy and birth and the “fourth trimester” very differently. This is just a list of the things I wish I had known before my little one came home from the hospital. Buckle up, because it’s... Hindsight is 20/20, isn't that what they say? 10 things I wish I had known before I had a baby Let me preface this with a disclaimer: this is just one experience. Moms everywhere experience pregnancy and birth and the “fourth trimester” very differently. This is just a list of the things I wish I had known before my little one came home from the hospital. Buckle up, because it’s...


  • Herb Highlight: Fenugreek Herb Highlight: Fenugreek

    31 Aug , 2016

    Fenugreek is perhaps the best-known herb among breastfeeding mothers.  This herb is popular in Mediterranean cooking and has a distinct flavor which reminds many people of black licorice. Many people sprout the seeds and use them in salads as well.  It is the seeds that are used by herbalists and incorporated in a variety of […]

    The post Herb Highlight: Fenugreek appeared first on Birds & Bees Teas.

    Fenugreek is perhaps the best-known herb among breastfeeding mothers.  This herb is popular in Mediterranean cooking and has a distinct flavor which reminds many people of black licorice. Many people sprout the seeds and use them in salads as well.  It is the seeds that are used by herbalists and incorporated in a variety of […]

    The post Herb Highlight: Fenugreek appeared first on Birds & Bees Teas.